Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bent's Fort Discussion Questions, Pages 1-75/

Picture: 1803 Map of the United States

In the Introduction, "A Place Called Purgatory," what does Lavender say is the goal of this book? (Page 12). Why does he introduce the topic of the book in this way?

How did Lewis and Clark effect the ambitions of tradesmen in the United States?

What kind of town is St. Louis in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century? What would it have been like to grow up there? What effect do you think did it have on the Bents?

What rivers, or "bloody waters" as Lavender calls them, play the most prominent role in the West at this time?

Describe the amount of territory that fur traders are covering at this historical moment?

What is the relationship between the plains and the mountains for the fur traders?

What is the advantage of working for a fur trade company vs. going-it-alone?

Why do certain fur traders begin to focus more on the Southwest than the Green River Valley and areas in Wyoming, Utah, and Montana?

What sort of place is Taos when American fur traders first start going there? (page 64) What major historic event enables Americans to finally be able to trade in the American Southwest without constant fear of arrest?

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