Friday, January 8, 2010

Summer Jobs in the National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management

Picture: Summer SCA workers at Homestead National Monument.

I know it seems early to be thinking about summer employment/internship opportunities, but frankly, it is that time of year again.

I would like to highly recommend summer jobs in the National Park Service or Bureau of Land Management to all of you. It is a great experience for a college student, you can make some decent money and it looks excellent on a resume for a variety of future career paths.

NPS and BLM sites around the country are posting job vacancies now and will do so for the next month on the following website:

Job titles that you may think about looking up in the search engine include but are not limited to: Park Guide, Visitor Use Assistant and Park Ranger (Interpretation). For the BLM try searching Recreation Technician, Archeological Technician, Wildlife Technician. There are different jobs for all sorts of majors, so always remember to browse the website to see what openings there are. Many places offer housing to college students who work at their park during the summer.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Personally, I have worked for the NPS atJewel Cave, Agate Fossil Beds, Homestead and Effigy Mounds National Monuments. I have also worked for the BLM in Wyoming. There are many more sites as well in the NPS and BLM, if you are interested in finding where see the map at or

Also check out if you are interested paid environmental internships with the SCA and Chicago Botanical Garden that can place you all over the country for a summer.

Students in college often neglect the service and work experience part of their resumes. In this down economy, you need every asset you can have on your resume when it comes graduation time. This would be a great way to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Good luck!

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