Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bent's Fort vs Jeremiah Johnson

Overall I thought that the novel and the movie were both good. The book contained more details than the movie did, but the movie helped to clarify visuals from the book. For example, the book gave us many descriptions of the Indians painting their faces and the movie had many Indians with painted faces. The movie also gave a good idea of the habitat that the traders needed to travel through. I also wanted to discuss some of the similarities and differences that I picked up during our class discussion that might be helpful.

To begin, trading with the Indians was a similarity that the novel and book showed. The novel was mostly about trading with the Indians and how they managed to have a mutal partnership for trading. They were both reliant on each other for products. The movie portrayed trading when Jeremiah gave the Flathead Indians the scalps and mules of the Crow Indians. The leader of the Flatheads would have been insulted if he could not give a better gift, so he gave Jeremiah his daughter's hand in marriage. This leads me to the next similarity which is marrying an Indian woman. The book and the movie both show that it was okay for the whites to marry an Indian girl. The book showed some people to have more than one Indian wife, and this was a good idea, because now that tribe had your back. Another similarity was the idea of white people settling to the West. The white settlement in the West is one of the main reasons why Indians had problems with the white traders. Indians were used to roaming freely and now they were trying to be tamed and alcohol was also not a good factor to the Indian tribe. These were just some of the similarities.

There also were some differences from the book and the movie. The book was more about fur traders and how they manages to create a new passage for trading with the Mexicans and Indians. It also was more of political aspect of trading. The book also talked mostly about traders and the Indians that they had problems with or had an alliance with. The movie on the other hand was more about a mountain man who wants to be left alone. Jeremiah Johnson did not care for trading, he cared more about the natural environment and he wanted to live freely in the mountains. These were just some of the differences that I picked up from the book and movie.

1 comment:

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