Monday, February 8, 2010

Slaying of Charles Bent

In a previous class we talked about the violence in this novel and how we as the readers had almost become immune (for the most part) to it. The murdering of Charles Bent seemed different to me. The detail that went in to it just made me somewhat cringe as I read. The struggle that he went through, however, with pulling arrows out from his face and chest and still managing to make it to the escape hole, showed his character that had been portrayed throughout the novel.

Some of the distinct details on page 303:

-"The Pueblos began mutilating Charles's body"
-"Ululating other crouched over him and, as the Pueblos could, deftly scalped him with a bowstring."
-"Fastening Charles's scalp to a board with brass tacks..."
-"...Charles's body beside them in a pool of drying blood."

1 comment:

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