Wednesday, February 24, 2010

China Doll

I just finished the chapter on the China Doll and I am seriously pissed off. I realize that women during this period of time were seen as nothing more than property and an investment. However, the fact that this woman's death was seen as nothing more than a blessing in disguise to most and something that "Bismarck" felt was necessary is unbelievable. Her death also is ironic...she tried to kill the man responsible for her brother's death and in turn is murdered. This is why I hate getting involved in a book and actually liking a character just to see that they're brutally murdered and no one even cares. This was more of a venting post rather than an insightful one. Furthermore, she was a prostitute even if she was off sleeping with all of Deadwood that would just mean she's awesome at her job not turn her into a butcher shop!

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