Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Easy Rider

Easy Rider (1969)

Jeremiah Johnson (1972)

The lifestyles in these two films are strikingly similar. Coincidence?

1 comment:

  1. Very good point and observation Vinnie. I think there is lots of truth to it. However, I would say that the main characters in Easy Rider are much more selfish than Jeremiah Johnson. While Jeremiah represents extreme freedom, he also on more than one occasion does the "right thing" and acts in the interest of American society and his fellow fur traders.

    In other words, I just think that the two bikers in Easy Rider are much more vague, hazy characters than Jeremiah Johnson- who has a much clearer better developed and represented ethic.

    Finally too, I think Jeremiah Johnson is the stronger film, but Easy Rider certainly has its place in American history.
