Thursday, March 4, 2010

End of Deadwood

I did not see the end coming. It was a book filled with things happening event after event and then when it got to the end there was nothing else to it. Deadwood just burned leaving controversy about places things took place such as the killing of Wild Bill. This was because of the wood buildings, that are now replaced with brick. Another interesting point in the end was Charley's role with the women. I feel as though this was his way of dealing with the death of Wild Bill. I agree with what was said in class that he was well liked in the beginning of the book, but towards the end he got to become a scum. It is weird to think this is how men were in the west, they had their wives back home the ones the marry and have children with. On the other hand they have the ones they just mess around with in Deadwood. I think that Charley was just attracted to Anges Lake because she filled that emptiness that Charley had when Bill died. That is how it is for people. They still feel the persons presence when they are around people close to the one they lost. I overall liked this book, I felt it was easier to read and follow than Bents Fort was. In class today I also enjoyed the connection between Deadwood and Bob Dylan's song. The one that is left in the end feels like they cannot share their story cause no one was there to experience it as well, just how Charley was left towards the end of Deadwood.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly. Why do you think Charley is unlikeable towards the end of the novel? Good post. Thanks!
