Saturday, March 6, 2010

I actually really liked the ending of Deadwood and seemed to have a much different interpretation of Charley than most. A lot of people felt Charley's morals deteriorated as the book went on but I felt Charley was just staying true to the code of the West. He liked female companionship and for people who say he used women, the women like Mrs. Langshire and Lurline used him arguably more than Charley used them. Mrs. Langshire needed sex from someone because her husband couldn't satisfy her, and Lurline wanted to start her own whorehouse. I felt Dexter kind of tried to immortalize Charley in the end as someone who can embody what the old West was about and what it stood for. He sort of took on the role as the old wise man in the way of being blind and his stories he liked to tell. It was interesting that someone like Charley who many people felt was repulsive was the one who in the end was disgusted by people who were ashamed of their own actions. He seemed to believe that if you were going to be ashamed or embarrassed about something you just shouldn't do it instead of hide it.

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