Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Episode 12: Deadwood

As I watched the 12th episode of Deadwood, I got to see a different side to Mr. Swearinger. Mr Swearinger in this episode got to show his what seems to be his good side as he tended to the dying minister. But also we got to see his usually crooked, "thug" lifestyle. I really like how Swearinger killed the majesty in his office and just had his lackey take care of the body. Also showing his courage while he had a giant blood stain just sitting on the floor as the new sheriff just turned the other cheek. The Al Swearinger character is and definitely is portrayed as a thug who can and does use his power to his advantage. But Swearinger also showed us his "soft" side as he helped relieve the pain of the old dying minister. Although, even while doing this he did it in a thug manner by smothering him and then then closing his eyelids down. Episode 12 gave us a little more insight on how Swearinger runs his business and also how influences the town.

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