Thursday, March 4, 2010

End of Deadwood

After finishing the book Deadwood, I couldn't help but be a little annoyed. It ended quite quickly and a lot of things, I felt, were left unexplained. Charley stayed in Deadwood at the expense of his wife back home. He ended up having a relationship with Mrs. Langrishe, just as he wanted. It also sounded like he may have had feelings for Bill's widow, Agnes Lake?? AND he felt something for Lurline. What's wrong with this man?! I sense that Deadwood brought about some confusing feelings, and to Charley the answer was being with women and finding a business to start. He did start his own "whorehouse" in Lead, but left it when he was being forced to shut it down and move it into Deadwood. In the very end, Soloman Star burnt down the deathhouse in which he knew the Chinese man he had been "hunting" was held up in. The fire he started here spread and started the whole town of Deadwood on fire. It was a pretty cruel ending, but I found did have a philosophical point to it. Deadwood would have to die at some point, and this was the point it would be no more... or somethin' ;) Overall I enjoyed the book, though! Not so sure about this next one :/

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