Monday, April 5, 2010

The Last of the Mohicans

This weekend I was able to watch the movie The Last of the Mohicans. I thought that the movie showed a pretty good portrayal of the relationships between Indians and whites, and also Indians with other Indians. The movie is based on a war going on between the British and the French to gain the territory of the colonies. There are three men left who are part of the Mohican tribe. They end up helping out the British, but only so that they will survive also. It really is more of a romance I would say because of what happens in the movie, but I won't give that away incase anyone would like to watch it. It shows how many Indian tribes, during this war, took sides and helped fight. However, some stayed as neutral as they possibly could and tried not to get involved. I actually liked this movie and didn't find it to be one that seemed to be unrealistic like some of Jeramiah Johnson.

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