Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Wild Bunch Pt. 1

I thought the movie started out with a lot of action and it grabbed my attention. It started out with a group of outlaws robbing a bank, and the railroad company hired convicts to stop the outlaws. There was a lot of gun shooting and many people died including civilians. Then the movie went on with less action and lots of talking. This first half of the movie reminded me of bandits and social bandits that we discussed in class. The thieves stole for their own reasons, such as for their own selfishness or to fight for their beliefs. This movie also gave me a perspective on how cowboys acted and what they were like. It showed that they liked to drink a lot, spend time and money on women, and they all had guns. It also seemed that some of the outlaws had a code of the West, for example, when the Mexican outlaw shot his lover because she was all over an officer. The outlaws could have just left him to be hung or shot, but he was a part of their team and they took care of him and did not leave him to die. Another example is when they are about to split the money they stole from the bank. A couple of the outlaws wanted to split the profit unevenly, but the leader was not having any of that, and he threatened to end the group if they did not split the profits evenly. I thought this first part of the movie clarified some of the social conflicts from the old West.

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