Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Paper Format

NOTE: All papers will use the following format:
• Do not use cover sheets
• Stapled, NO paper clips.
• Name and section reference should be single spaced and put on first page, in the header.
• Typed, aligned left, double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around.
• Times New Roman, 12pt font—do not change the character spacing.
• Use page numbers with first initial and surname (10pt font) in right header (e.g.: Kuhnel 2). This will help me keep your paper together should any pages come loose.
For additional help when writing, please talk to me or contact the History Department’s Writing Center at 303 Schaeffer Hall well before the due date. Their web site is http://www.uiowa.edu/~histwrit/ or you can call 335-2584 to schedule an appointment.

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