Sunday, April 4, 2010

Reflection on The Professor's House

Personally, the most alluring aspect about Willa Cather's novel The Professor's House, deals with the questions that it raises. Pairing a character like St. Peter with Tom Outland is an excellent way to get people thinking about their own life. I found myself really pondering if I was spending my time doing exactly what I want to be doing. I take far too many semester hours, and time that I don't spend in a dance studio or in a classroom, I spend in rehearsal or doing homework.
Then the idea of passion entered my train of thought. I truly am passionate about my dance; I hope that whatever path my life takes, dance will always be a part of it. Just as the professor spends all his time in his, for a lack of a better word, office, he is doing what he loves. In the comparison about passions that I drew of the professor to myself , it lifted the sort of pathetic connotation I applied to his leisure. Obviously, most people's life story would seem some what dull compared to Tom Outland's, however, life spent doing one's passion, regardless of what that passion may be, makes all the difference.

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