Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Movie Response: Day 1

The Wild Bunch certainly started off with a "bang," eh? I think the very first scene goes along well with what we read about in It's Your Misfortune. White was explaining how people think of the West as a place where gunfights will randomly break out and all hell will break loose. The gunfight at the very beginning shows this. I'm liking how the group of men who are supposed to be the "bad guys" are seemingly portrayed in a good light. They are constantly talking about doing what's "right," sticking together, learning from their errors. The "good guys," the railroad company, prove to be after the "Wild Bunch" only because there's a reward out for them. The head man of the railroad group says something close to "The railroad IS the law." This is very interesting when considering justice during this time. It's my opinion that the railroad group is more of the "bad guys" than the Wild Bunch.

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