Monday, April 19, 2010

which enemy poses the most threat to the Wild Bunch?

After reading a article that Dennis posted from a question about the content of the movie really stood out to me. The writed of the article said "It is unclear whether the greatest threat to Pike and his gang comes from their Mexican allies, the bounty hunters, or from fissures within their own group." This seems to be a very important question about the content of the movie and whether or not they Wild Bunch was successful in the end. They had more than one enemy and a large amount of people working against them. Because of this they had opposition from all sides which made it difficult for them to trust people as well as come out on top in the end. I think that the Mexicans allies were actually the biggest threat to Pike and his gang. Both sides were manipulative and wanted to always be in control of the situation, because of this there was a ton of tension between these opposing sides even though they were considered allies. An important theme that can be taken from this is the "need for dominance" that is shown in the movie by a majority of characters in the movie. None of them want to be the little guy and they seem to go to extreme lengths to make sure that they are never reduced to that level.

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