Friday, April 16, 2010

The Wild Bunch

Honestly, I really did not like The Wild Bunch. It almost seemed like it was trying to hard too be a "western shoot 'em up" type film. The opening scene of the movie could have been the final scene with the gunfight and violence it contained. I did like the dynamic relationship between Bishop and Thornton. I think it was interesting that an ex-outlaw was now leading the bounty hunters and I liked seeing Bishop's flashbacks of their past partnership. As far as the plot goes, I didn't think the game of cat and mouse was all that interesting, nor did I like the ending. It seemed like the movie was trying to make a statement about how the "old" west was dying as government and technology was improving. In the end, the outlaws knew they couldn't continue to live the way they wanted to and as a result they were all murdered. The movie didn't do much for me entertainment wise, but I see how people consider it to contain an important message.

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