Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Professor's house

A big part of this book is how the characters are viewed. In class we spoke about if we thought if Roddy was a likable character or not. I think he is a likable character because he was just looking out for the best interest of Tom Outland. He was almost like a dad figure to Tom, and thought he was doing him a favor in a way since Washington did not go as well as they thought. As Tom Outland admitted he never expressed how much the things meant to him, so how was he supposed to know. I think that the family was once a happy family until the professor thought his life had been lived to the fullest. He was almost like depressed because the life he had now didn't live up to his expectations. He wanted more than what he had. He was sick of his family wanting to be invited to parties, the new house, and these fancy trips. He was happy living with the old way more snug. This book started off slow but definitely related to the idea that we have history so we know where we are today.

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