Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Book Characters vs. Movie Characters

I feel as though every time I read a book then watch the movie, I am always partially disappointed with how the characters are portrayed in the movie (with the exception of a few). I envisioned the Sheriff to be more personable and compassionate. In the novel, he seemed like a sweet, old man who has gained so much knowledge throughout his life and seen it all. Tommy Lee Jones was neither personable nor interesting. He was just sort of there. While he did deliver some vital, moving dialogues, he really didn't do much for me.
On the other hand, Javier Bardem, the man who played Anton Chigurh in my opinion did an excellent job. Not only did his appearance (and the horrible hair-do) creep me out, but his overall persona gave me chills. The way he showed no emotion before and after murdering people gave me insight into the depth of his evil. I was more afraid of the representation of Chigurh in the movie than in the novel, because it put an image to the face of a physco.
Another character that I surprisingly really liked in the movie was Llewelyn's wife Carla Jean Moss, played by Kelly MacDonald. She had the largest female role in the movie and held her own amidst the men. She was so loyal to Llewelyn; in class some thought she was submissive, however, I saw it more as pure trust in her husband. I especially liked the scene in which she faced Chigurh. She maintained her composure and till the end, maintained that faith in Llewelyn. I wish that the Sheriff's wife would've had a bigger role, because I enjoyed their relationship in the novel.
With the exception of those two characters, I preferred McCarthy's written characters to the Coen brother's movie characters.

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