Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Truth and Community

A week ago in discussion we were talking about the gatherings at cemeteries. We were discussing the idea of a deep respect for our past and we need to know where we come from to really understand ourselves. I think truth does exist in the world but it is cluttered. I think the image of holding gatherings at cemeteries is a powerful one. It seems that no matter how little we might we know is true in the world, the only truth you can't escape from is family. It is the simplest form of truth we have. Bell commands respect because he respects his elders, the people who have gone before him. People respect him not because he is old but because he is wise for learning from the past, and not just knowing where he has come from but understanding the past. I think he also understands that he wants to go back to that time, when violence wasn't done just for the fun of it, and he didn't have to carry a gun around, because he was a Sheriff.

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