Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grading Self-Assessment Exercise

Screenwriting Grade (15):

Midterm (20):

Paper No. 2 (will be handed out Thursday) [20]:

Participation (20):

Note: When you self-assess yourself for participation, please include a 1-2 paragraph rationale for the grade you have chosen. Also, please include a list with the date of every blog post you made and any extra participation efforts you made.

Here is what it said in the syllabus about participation:

Participation (20%): Many of the intended educational benefits of this class are contingent upon the participation of everyone. I expect you to be an active, contributing member in class discussions, exercises and projects. At the end of the semester I will give each student a “participation” grade based upon my assessment of that student’s overall performance and contribution to our class. Attendance alone will not earn you participation marks, even if you come to every class. Positive participation involves completing assigned reading assignments, being prepared for class, asking and answering questions, sharing relevant ideas and opinions, staying on track in small group activities, and making a genuine effort to support your classmates. Another way to contribute to our class discussion will be for you to post comments or questions about the assigned reading to our class blog: http://americanwestimagination.blogspot.com. You will lose marks for negative participation, including but not limited to: showing up late, chatting during class, answering cell phones, doing other homework, reading the newspaper and etc. At the end of the semester, you will complete a self-assessment of your participation performance throughout the semester. I will take into consideration your self-assessment when I evaluate your performance at the end of the semester.

Finally, if you completed any extra credit assignments you completed.

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