Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of the American Cowboy

After discussing the significance and symbolism of cowboys in our culture, I found out that there is a national holiday to honor the American cowboy celebrated on the fourth Saturday of every July!

"National Day of the American Cowboy"

This is a day we set out to give praise

To those who honor the Cowboy ways.

The American Cowboy is a true hero,

Who helped our nation to thrive and grow.

The cowboy was a true pioneer,

Who braved the wild western frontier.

Not only did he tame the American West,

He stood for the values which we think of as best:

He believes in hard work, and playing hard too,

And in honoring women in all that they do.

To be independent and stand up for what's right,

To be courageous and honest and not run from a fight.

To be brave and loyal, to ride for the brand,

And be a good steward of his livestock and land.

Those are timeless values that still hold true,

Still used every day in what modern cowboys do.

Now the U.S. Senate has voted to have a day

To honor the American Cowboy in this way.

We give thanks for all that cowboys and cowgirls do,

To keep the Cowboy way alive and true.

So we honor this legacy for the values it will employ,

As we celebrate the National Day of the American Cowboy.

by Ron Wilson, Poet Lariat

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