Sunday, May 9, 2010

Urban Cowboy

I happened to have stumbled upon the worst Western of all time. I was flipping around channels late on Friday night, and Urban Cowboy was just starting. I wish that I would've done the right thing and changed the channel, but I sat through and watched the entire film. John Travolta, at his ehh.., well at least he looks good, plays a troubled "cowboy" who has difficulty in the real world, because he wants to be a free bird. He marries his first love; they have an extremely abusive relationship. They fight about his life, their pastimes, a scandalous ex-con bull rider that Sissy starts seeing, and anything else imaginable. Everything about the movie screams forced "Western": stereotypical trailer homes, square dance night club equipped with a mechanical bull, bad fake accents, and the good guy vs. the bad guy relationship. For the majority of the film Sissy and Bud were hooking up with other people to get one another jealous. And of course, the movie resolves with Bud getting Sissy back when he beats the ex-con in a mechanical bull riding contest.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha I watched that on Fri night too and what are you talking about, I would rank this in the top 5 greatest westerns ever! just kidding. although the mechanical bull riding scenes are very authentic
