Sunday, May 2, 2010


I have been watching The Sopranos series and it reminded me of some topics that we discussed in class. This show is about a Mafia family and it shows the lifestyle of the families. Throughout the show, there were many references from the leaders of the group of how they wish it were like the old days. In class we had many discussions about wanting to go back to the past to live the Old Western lifestyle, for example, the Professor's House and even from Jeremiah Johnson and how he wants to live in the mountains alone because he is not meant for all the changes and advancements that are happening. He wants to continue living his life in an old fashioned manner. When the show references the past life, they always talk about how simple it was back in the day and how smoothly everything ran. Another topic that i thought about during this show was on banditry. The mafia crew all are above the law because they bribe the police and they have their way of getting whatever they want. They all have their own reasons of being in the Mafia, for example one man wants to support his wife and kids, while another needs the money to support his mother in a retirement home. The mafia resembled many of the social groups discussed in class, because they are involved in violence and also greed. These were some major topics of the Old West that were referenced in The Sopranos.

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