Monday, May 3, 2010

Negative Reviews of Film Adaptation: Do You Agree?

Two negative reviews . . . please read and comment:

Another negative Salon review about book:


  1. The first negative review comments on the lack of "character" each role embodies. I completely agree. In the novel, I really liked the sheriff and favored Llewelyn a great deal. In the movie, the sheriff didn't do much but wander around and talk, and Llewelyn was sort of boring amidst his drama. Regardless of my dissappointment in these two characters, the man who played Chigurh gave me the chills. He did an excellent job. I guess I was expecting a little more, but overall I thought it was a pretty decent film.

  2. After reading the reviews, I would have to disagree that there was a lack of character build up in this film. I felt that the movie went hand in hand with the way that the book portrayed them. True,the sheriff never showed up to prevent the crimes in the movie- but he didn't in the book either. I will agree that the book does a much better job of characterizing the sheriff but this is true for any books that are made into a movies. Overall, I enjoyed both the movie and the book equally.
