Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Country for Old Men

"Still there are men- rough, timeworn men- who uphold decency, who hang on to sturdy values of honor."

This is one of a few statements I actually agree with in those reviews. I think before this class I would have a hard time disagreeing with what these reviewers say about made-up western themes. They both seem to agree that "No Country" was based on a nostalgia for a phony romantic version of the old west. That there really wasn't such a thing as a simpler time, and people do adapt to the changing world. I do now however disagree. I think it was a great movie showing a troubled young man who may have done things in war that he regrets, being chased by a lunatic and by a war vet of a different era who has a hard time dealing with the quickly changing present, who only wanted to help. I think the reviewers were so caught up on a lack of inner monologue by the Sheriff that they ignored what Bell was actually saying. To me everything the Sheriff said was only himself thinking aloud and he even admitted at one point "I don't know, my mind wanders". I felt that the Sheriff did show depth as a character it just wasn't as easy to pick out, becuase it wasn't in italics.

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