Monday, May 3, 2010

No Country For Old Men

Being a senior with two jobs its hard for me to find time at night to watch movies, so I won't make it to the movie tonight, I did, however, watch No Country For Old Men today before work. I saw some of this movie when it came out but never saw the whole movie. From what I remembered before, it didnt make too much sense to me, but after reading the book it was much more enjoyable. I thought Tommy Lee Jones did a really good job of playing Sheriff Bell, and I thought Javier Bardem stole the show as Chigurh.
I found a couple things interesting. First, I find it interesting that the movies skips over a lot of the sherriff's commentary. When making the movie, the Coen's must have decided to only pick the most important passages. I think they were correct in begining the film and ending the film with the Sheriff's commentaries that started and ended the book, but more throughout the movie could have given a little more depth to the Sheriff character that was there in the book, but lacking in the movie.
In relation to the sheriff, I thought the movie did do a good job of showing his nostalgia for the old West. As I said, I thought the Coen's picked good passages to use, which included the begining where he talks about the guy he put away who was on Death Row, and how a lot of law men didnt even carry a gun. The Sheriff's nostalgia for the Old West was apparent in the movie, as well as the book.

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